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  • Am 13. Januar 2025 haben die ThermHex Waben GmbH und ihre Projektpartner den JEC Composite Innovation Award gewonnen. Die Verleihung fand im Kongresszentrum in Paris statt.

JEC Composite Innovation Award for ThermHex

janvier 15th, 2025|Commentaires fermés sur JEC Composite Innovation Award for ThermHex

On January 13, 2025, ThermHex Waben GmbH and their project partners won the JEC Composite Innovation Award. The ceremony was held at the Congress Center in Paris. The project was a collaboration of ThermHex [...]

  • ThermHex Waben nominiert für die JEC Innovation Awards

JEC Innovation Awards 2025

décembre 19th, 2024|Commentaires fermés sur JEC Innovation Awards 2025

With their successful joint project to apply thermoplastic sandwich moulding technology to a real component structure of a truck cab ThermHex Waben is nominated together with its partners at JEC Composites Innovation Awards.

Nachhaltigkeit durch Materialeinsparung: Tagung zeigt Potenziale der Sandwichbauweise

mai 8th, 2024|Commentaires fermés sur Nachhaltigkeit durch Materialeinsparung: Tagung zeigt Potenziale der Sandwichbauweise

Der Einsatz faserverstärkter Kunststoffe in Sandwichbauweise ermöglicht hocheffiziente Leichtbaustrukturen. International führende Fachleute haben aktuelle Trends aus der Material- und Technologieentwicklung und neue Einsatzfelder von Sandwich-Materialien auf der »Faserverbund-Sandwich-Tagung« am 24./25. April 2024 in Halle [...]

  • Visit ThermHex at JEC World 2024 motivation picture

ThermHex Waben at JEC World 2024 in Paris

février 29th, 2024|Commentaires fermés sur ThermHex Waben at JEC World 2024 in Paris

This year we'll present again some of our largest innovations: The new patented ThermHexWAVY honeycomb core is characterised by an improved honeycomb geometry, which increases the buckling strength of the honeycomb cell walls. At the JEC we'll be showing product samples with the ThermHexWAVY honeycomb geometry and will explain the advantages of the new ThermHexCOEX process. Visitors of the ThermHex Waben booth will be provided with expert advice and insights into the wide range of applications of thermoplastic honeycomb sandwich technologies as well as the opportunity to discuss possible new projects and cooperations.

  • New exceptional surface quality with light weight honeycomb. Comparison between the chinese and the german product.

ThermHex Waben has almost halved the cell size of it’s sustainable sandwich panels with the highest quality surface finish

mars 9th, 2023|Commentaires fermés sur ThermHex Waben has almost halved the cell size of it’s sustainable sandwich panels with the highest quality surface finish

“Our polypropylene honeycomb cores offer cost savings and weight reductions while providing optimal mechanical performance for composite sandwich panels and parts. Sustainable thermoplastic honeycombs have found their place within a variety of lightweight applications. We [...]

Conférence sur les sandwichs en matériaux composites – nouveaux développements et applications des matériaux sandwichs

novembre 16th, 2021|Commentaires fermés sur Conférence sur les sandwichs en matériaux composites – nouveaux développements et applications des matériaux sandwichs

Deux entreprises allemandes bien connues dans le secteur, ThermHex et Fraunhofer IMWS , ouvriront leurs portes aux experts du domaine des composites sandwichs pour discuter et explorer les derniers développements et applications dans la [...]