With me ThermHex can educate young people.

I am Marcus, the master among the ThermHexians and I have been with ThermHex since 2015. A lot has happened in those 5 years. At that time I was one of 3 shift supervisors and was responsible for the production and my employees. We have not many employees in one shift – because the production process is highly automated. In the meantime, I have successfully completed a company-financed further training course to become an industrial master for plastics technology. A next step is that we at ThermHex want to train our skilled workers ourselves in the future. With me now officially qualified personnel is available for potential trainees. With the completion of the further education I was appointed production manager and am now responsible for the operational communication within the production teams, the order of orders, the work equipment, the quality management and the whole production process. Working in the young team, in a small company, certainly has not only advantages. But exactly these outweigh! The daily challenges, the good working atmosphere, the recognition within and outside the team, the fair and friendly interaction with each other and the freedom to solve problems are the main reasons why I like working here. And I am sure that we have the basic framework for a secure future. If ThermHex continues to develop as it has done in the last 5 years, I will definitely be happy to work here in the future!